Sunday, December 23, 2007

Anna's Kitties

Anna loves her kitties. We used to worry how Jack, our grumpy cat, would do around a baby. It turns out, he's really good! If Anna gets too close, Jack might hiss, but then he runs away. He doesn't mess around. It's clear he doesn't like her (just add Anna's name to the list), so he removes himself from the situation. What a good, grumpy cat.

Ollie is a different story. Ollie is stubborn. He doesn't like to lose. If he's comfortable lounging somewhere, he won't budge for anyone or anything (except food). So when Anna's around, he'll stay put and taunt her however he can. Usually with his tail.

Anna tries to make friends with him, and she's actually pretty gentle. But he just doesn't want to play fair.

Can I?

Oh, can I?

I really want to..

Will you please let me?

Please don't pull away

Oh!  You're such a soft kitty!  I love you!

In the end, her stuffed kitty is the only cat that's always there for her.


I love my kitty.  He lets me throw him around and chew on his tail!

We have to go play now


  1. Anna Piper wanted to tell Anna Piper hello and say how thrilled she is that there are two Anna Pipers out there. Even though this Anna Piper is a Cardinal fan...

  2. Karla, you do such a great job at catching those moments of glee! You'll enjoy those pics for years to come!!


  3. Holy cow she's getting big! Don't let those kitties push you around, kiddo! Show 'em who's boss! (Watch out for claws, though.)
